Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is the future, redefining approaches in determining and predicting path for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic there has been a huge unemployment in various sectors as the profit margins of the companies goes down for consecutive lockdown periods and economic unstabilities. Bringing forth the immense growth of digitalization of services and corporate transformation, machine learning sectored its vitality in almost every industries, re-modelling the management structure of the world.
With such digitalization, ease of tasks and real-time services restricts employment opportunities in those fields wherein human accuracy has been overshadowed by Artificial Intelligence. However, a major concern arises as to whether machine learning can completely take over human indulgence in better multi-tasking or analysis. Integration of artificial intelligence has undoubtedly performed better in analysing situations and predicting accurate results, relative to the available data of trends. Most important of all, almost every organizations have build their trust on Robotic Process Automation while ensuring real-time service facilities or accurate detection of trends to be followed in pursuing growth.
As rightly stated by the Co-Founder & Lead of Google Brain, Andrew Ng,. . . the biggest harm that AI is likely to do to individuals in the short term is job displacement, as the amount of work we can automate with AI is vastly larger than before.With increasing power of machine learning, Artificial Intelligence has upscaled its capability in every aspects of human life mainly satisfying the goal to ease out complexity of tasks, enahancing accuracy. However, there are certain studies that shows, it cannot take over the human interference wherein creativity and decision making encourages behaviourial modifications. Stated that, even now, people prefer to exclude themselves from such interactions pertaining to collection of data as AI solely depends on access to data involving support from data centres for secured sharing thereby enabling successful implementation of Machine Learning powered AI.
Continuous collection of datasets from video and audio enables better understanding of situations based on various models as machine learning performs better optimization through such data trainings. However, limitations persist to such training models when unconceived situations occurs which a machine has never faced upon with. Researches on such Artificial Intelligence had often been conducted wherein such serious issues followed disruptions to the continuity of tasks. A research report on comparison of Human Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence noted that,
Moreover, it is a false notion that Machine learning makes computers more powerful and intelligent. The reality is that a computer that wins the strategic Board Game - Go does not win due to super intelligence but by processing its inbuilt data of millions of game patterns
Human abilities, which an Artificial Intelligence could not easily overshadow upon, are the inner sense that prevails within a cognitive intelligence of a human being, aside being able to research on solutions to tackle various difficulties. However, as stated by Elon Musk, CEO & CTO of SpaceX,
AI doesn't have to be evil to destroy humanity - if AI has a goal and humanity just happens to come in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it, no hard feelings.Such said, Artificial Intelligence has the ability to accomplish complex tasks with ease however, limitations persists as in some regards, an AI cannot replace someone having the ability to feel through the untold words of others expressing gratitude or emotion. Supported by someone in command, organizations deal with various other tasks of decision making and enabling AI at a required place. Tasks involving empathy, mental management and collective actions of a management ensuring innovative ideas to be implemented - such could not be replicated through Artificial Intelligence refining structured intelligence only to be performed by humans. Thoroughly stated by an American Business Executive, Ginni Rometty,
Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we'll augment our intelligence.